Trident sweet chilli sauce 285ml
Trident Sweet Chilli Sauce
Trident Sweet Chilli Sauce is a delicious and versatile sauce with a perfect balance of sweetness and tanginess. It is made with a blend of red chillies, sugar, vinegar, and other spices, creating a flavorful and mildly spicy condiment. This sweet chilli sauce can be used as a dipping sauce for spring rolls, chicken nuggets, or fried foods. It also works well as a marinade for grilled meats or as a glaze for stir-fries. Trident is a trusted brand known for its quality sauces, ensuring a delightful taste experience.
Shipping and Delivery Times
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Phone: 09 291 9364
Address: 33 Spartan Road, Takanini, Auckland 2105, New Zealand.
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